CLOUD PLATFORM for connectivity
Octopus Platform offers value to telecommunications infrastructures, for this it offers differential functionalities over Wi-Fi networks and works on fundamental pillars of digitization, such as connectivity and automated marketing.
Tool that can be integrated with the main LAN / WLAN solutions on the market, providing the customer with a simple and unified management environment. In addition to managing user and device connectivity, you can exploit data through automated marketing and advanced analytics.
Main Features
Modules octopus platform
Octopus Guest
Personalized WiFi hotspot for customers with a fully customizable captive portal that complies with current regulations on protection and …
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Octopus Enterprise
Go further in managing connectivity. Octopus Enterprise allows you to configure advanced identity and device access control options …
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Octopus Marketing
Thanks to the marketing module, it is possible to get the most out of the data from the guest Wi-Fi networks and other sources, through generation and …
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Boost the functionalities of the different modules of the platform with the add-ons …
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Connect from anywhere securely with Octopus Platform
Professional Services
Blue Octopus has professional teams to adapt the platform to your needs, as well as to build comprehensive technological solutions according to your business. Similarly, there is a qualified technical support team for the management and continuity of the service.
Our lates news
Qué es un portal cautivo y que importancia tiene para ti como negocio.
Qué es un portal cautivo y que importancia tiene para ti como negocio Seguro que no hace mucho te has conectado a una red pública y has comenzado a
Blue Octopus se adapta al mercado con una nueva paquetización de su plataforma
Blue Octopus se adapta al mercado con una nueva paquetización de su plataforma Octopus Platform, siguiendo su nuevo concepto de plataforma de
Nueva funcionalidad para una mayor interacción con el mundo digital en espacios físicos
Octopus Platform lanza nuevas funcionalidades, para una mayor interacción con el mundo digital en espacios físicos Actualmente disponer de